***This picture gallery is arranged chronologically based on date of events***

***Please scroll down to see pictures from earlier events***

GoodMorning-UTAR Webinar 2024

Exploring Plant-Based Products:

What's on the Market?

Dec 10, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc), Good Morning Group

Details of the event. Register here: https://shorturl.at/EPixB

Ms. Ng Jessie sharing the different types of plant-based meat substitutes currently in the market. 
Group photo taken with participants of the webinar. We thank Ms. Ng Jessie for her insightful sharing! 

UTAR Food Science Alumni Talk with Ms Chen Sook Ngoh:

Are you Aware of your Health Condition?

Dec 2, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc)

Details of the event. Register here: https://forms.gle/bQCF9XxZWHp9K7zY9

Field Trip to Kilang Beras BERNAS 

Sungai Ranggam, Perak

for UDAA3403 Farm Animal Feed and Nutrition 

Nov 29, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Group photo taken at Kilang Beras BERNAS Sungai Ranggam with officer-in-charge En. Muhamad Syauqi, UTAR lecturers and students. We thank BERNAS for the wonderful and educational experience!
Dr. Ooi Ai Lin (left), Pn. Nurdiyana (second from right) and Dr. Teo Kah Cheng (right) presenting a token of appreciation to En. Muhamad Syauqi. A big thanks to course coordinators Dr. Ooi and Pn. Nurdiyana for organizing the trip.

JNU-UTAR Webinar Series 2024:

Food Science and Technology

Nov 26, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc), Jinan University, China

Details of the event. Register here: https://forms.gle/GNYj3ucSXwPxM2pZ7

Group photo taken during the JNU-UTAR webinar.
Dr. Hong Yao sharing his research on how dietary fibre and concentration drive in vitro gut microbial fermentation behaviours.
Dr. Ali Yassoralipour sharing his research on emerging trends in edible coatings and films for food packaging and safety. 

Talks by delegates from 

Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan

Nov 14, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc), NAIST

Details of the event.

Group photo taken with our wonderful guests from Nara Institue of Science and Technology (NAIST)
Prof. Dr. Wong Hann Ling presenting a token of appreciation to Prof. Maki Hisaji representing the entourage 
Insightful presentations (from left to right) by Prof. Maki Hisaji, Asst. Prof. Chek Min Fey, Prof. Hironari Kamikubo and Prof. Yukiharu Uraoka. 

Career Opportunities with QL Resources Berhad:

Explore Your Future in Sustainable Poultry Production, 

Food and Supply Chain

Nov 13, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc), QL Resources Berhad

Details of the event. Register here: https://n9.cl/s0dy4

Agriculture Technology Seminar Series 25:

Bamboo Resources, Cultivation and Utilizations

Nov 9, 2024


Centre for Agriculture and Food Research (CAFR), Faculty of Science (FSc), Malaysian Bamboo Society (MBS)

Details of the event. Register here: https://shorturl.at/4kb40

 Agritech 25: Group photo taken with distinguished speakers, sponsors, staff, students and members of the public. First row (from left to right): Dato' Lai Yeng Fock (Founder and CEO of Tadom Hill Resort Sdn. Bhd. and Vice President of Malaysian Bamboo Society, MBS), En. Mohd. Ramadhan Abdul Hamid (Founder of Bamboo Village Kuala Lumpur), Prof. Dr. Sumathi a/p Sethupathi (Deputy Director of IPSR), Dr. Goh Wei Lim (Chairperson of Agritech 25), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng (Dean of Faculty of Science, UTAR), Dato' Dr. Hajjah Marzalina Hj. Mansor (Lifetime Advisor of MBS) and Dr. Elizabeth A. Widjaja (Bamboo Botanist of the Environmental Bamboo Foundation, Indonesia)
The event was kickstarted with a welcoming speech from Dr. Goh Wei Lim, chairperson of the event, who also highlighted the importance of bamboo as a green and sustainable resource, echoing the calls for environmental protection. She also thanked the distinguished speakers and generous sponsors for their help in making the event a success.  
Prof. Dr. Sumathi a/p Sethupathi (Deputy Director of IPSR UTAR) advocating the use of bamboo as a reliable and sustainable alternative material moving forward. She also shared her experience in witnessing the vast demand and utilization of bamboo in China, which is currently the largest producer and user of bamboo worldwide. 
Prof. Dr. Sumathi presenting a token of appreciation to FGV Agri Services Sdn. Bhd., a platinum sponsor of UTAR Agritech 25: Bamboo Resources, Cultivation and Utilizations. 
Prof. Dr. Sumathi presenting a token of appreciation in thanking Land & General Berhad, a gold sponsor of UTAR Agritech 25: Bamboo Resources, Cultivation and Utilizations
Prof. Dr. Sumathi presenting a token of appreciation to Surechem Sdn. Bhd., a gold sponsor of UTAR Agritech 25: Bamboo Resources, Cultivation and Utilizations. 
We thank our handsome emcees of the event in coordinating a smooth and insightful event. 
It was a great honor to have Dato' Dr. Hajjah Mazaliana, a dedicated expert in research and development as well as conservation efforts, moderating the first session of the talk. 
We thank Dr. Elizabeth A. Widjaja for coming over from Indonesia to share her vast experience in bamboo agroecology as a sustainable form of bamboo production, means of livelihood and conservation. 
During the short break, participants were invited to check out the many exciting booths, workshop and demonstration. Here, Dr. Tan Ji (left) was seen introducing the different species of bamboos being cultivated in UTAR. Participants also had the chance to learn about bamboo propagation at this workshop booth. 
Participants chose and propagated bamboo from the 7 different species offered. The workshop also entailed the different substrate media and different propagation methods and care regime for bamboo. At the end of the day, participants were also allowed to bring home their bamboo propagules. 
Dr. Goh Wei Lim, who also happens to be a bamboo taxonomist, discussing about the latest developments in the naming and identity of bamboos with En. Mohd. Ramadhan Abdul Hamid. 
Pn. Zaharah Daud cooking everyone a wide array of scrumptious dishes using bamboo shoots harvested from her own farm. Very impressive indeed! 
Mdm. Phoena Teoh Hui Kian enthusiastically demonstrating how bamboo leaves are used to wrap chicken dumplings. She is truly experienced and made it look really easy, as the participants struggle to wrap the contents. 
A booth on herbarium specimen preparation was also setup and ran by our postgradute students. Herbaria are important in the identification and naming of plants, and they are often invaluable in the description of new species too!
Vast, impressive bamboo culms on display at the FGV Agri Services sponsor booth.
A wide-array of bamboo-related products being showcase and sold during the event.
Poster booth spurring insightful and academic discussions. 
A display of wireless sensor technology as means to automate farming regimes. 
After a wonderful lunch featuring lemang and rendang, a panel discussion entitled "Bamboo Industry in Malaysia: Current Status and Prospects" was held between Dato' Dr. Hajjah Marzalina, Dr. Elizabeth, En. Abdul Hamid and Dato' Lai Yeng Fock. The session was kindly and professionally moderated by En. Mohd. Ramadhan Abdul Hamid. 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng (Dean of Faculty of Science) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr. Elizabeth A. Widjaja, Bamboo Botanist of the Environmental Bamboo Foundation Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng presenting a token of appreciation to En. Abdul Hamid bin Md. Yusof, Special Project Manager of Land & General Berhad. 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng presenting a token of appreciation to Dato' Lai Yeng Fock, Founder & CEO of Tadom Hill Resort Sdn. Bhd. who is also the Vice President of the Malaysian Bamboo Society. 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng presenting a token of appreciation to En. Mohd. Ramadhan Abdul Hamid, Founder of Bamboo Village Kuala Lumpur. 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng wrapping up Agritech 25 by summarizing the many insightful lessons learnt and discussed on that day. He thanked the distinguished speakers and sponsors for their support which are key to the success of the event. He also thanked the organizing committee and participants for their continued support and efforts in realizing the objectives of the Agritech seminar series, and he hoped to see everyone again during Agritech 26 which will be held in 2025.   

Scientific Talk: 

Horticulture in Japan and Meiji University

Nov 5, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc)

Details of the event. Register here: https://shorturl.at/DSqoz

Edufun Agrimicrobe Science Holiday Workshop Series IV

Sept 19, 2024


 Centre for Agriculture and Food Research (CAFR), Faculty of Science (FSc), Kuala Lumpur Engineering and Science Fair (KLESF)

Details of the event. Registration https://shorturl.at/OEuKs

Final Year Project Conference for FYP January 2024 

Sept 13, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc)

 Group photo of FYP Conference winners taken together with Deans, Head of Departments and FYP supervisors. Well done and congratulations!
The event was emceed by Dr. Sit Nam Weng (Deputy Dean of FSc, left), who congratulated the FYP Conference winners for their amazing achievement. This was followed by a brief introduction to the postgraduate programs offered by FSc by Dr. Lam Weng Siew (middle). Next, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gideon Khoo (Deputy Dean of FSc; right) explained the purpose of holding the FYP Conference series and the importance of science graduates being able to convey their findings to the public. 
Agriculture Science: Best Oral Presenter
Mr. Aloysius Ho Ee Zen
FYP project title: Morphological and molecular characterization of ‘extinct in the wild’ Begonia rajah (Ridley, 1894) and potential new Begonia spp. from Peninsular Malaysia.
Agriculture Science: First Runner Up
Mr. Chong Yik Hou
FYP project title: Impact of environmental colour on the growth performance, productivity and sensory attributes of Bagrid Catfish, Hemibagrus capitulum.
Agriculture Science: Second Runner Up
Mr. Tham Chee Xuan
FYP project title: In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles against animal pathogens.
Food Science: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Loke Jia Nie
FYP project title: A study on nutritional values, physicochemical properties, and consumers' acceptance of vegan patties incorporated with banana peels.
Food Science: First Runner Up
Ms. Mong Jia Ying
FYP project title: Comparative study on antioxidant and sensory properties of natto prepared using different brands of starter cultures.
Food Science: Second Runner Up
Ms. Heng Yung Ern
FYP project title: The nutritional values,physicochemical properties and consumers acceptance of the vegan patties incorporated with mango seed kernel.
Biotechnology: Best Oral Presenter
Mr. Jasper Ang Wei Kun
FYP project title: Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a Vir binary vector system
Biotechnology: First Runner Up
Ms. Loy Si Ling
FYP project title: Genetic diversity of Schizostachyum brachycladum (Buluh Lemang) in Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra, Indonesia
Biotechnology: Second Runner Up
Mr. Kong Zi Hao
FYP project title: Callus induction and plant regeneration studies of Eucalyptus urograndis.
Chemistry: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Ong Kai Sin
FYP project title: Synthesis and characterization of microwave assisted ccetylated rice starch/Polyethylene Oxide (PEO) blends.
Chemistry: First Runner Up
Ms. Koh Wei Fang
FYP project title: Green synthesis and characterization of Nickel Oxide (NiO) nanoparticles using barks of Muntingia calabura (Malayan Cherry).
Chemistry: Second Runner Up
Mr. Tang Zheng Yee
FYP project title: Adsorption study of Methylene Blue by cotton husk.
Biochemistry: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Soo Pei Xing
FYP project title: Determination of the role of Synechococcus RUBISCO residue GLN-146 in chimeras.
Biochemistry: First Runner Up
Ms. Chong Yi Ye
FYP project title: Phytoremediation of heavy metal contamination of Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes).
Biochemistry: Second Runner Up
Mr. Kartikgeyan a/l Maniam
FYP project title: Green synthesis, characterization, antioxidant and anti-bacterial efficacy of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles using waste sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum officinarum).
Dietetics: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Thean Hui Ru
FYP project title: Osteoporosis knowledge, health beliefs and Calcium intake among Malaysian Chinese adults in Kampar, Perak.
Dietetics: First Runner Up
Ms. Oon Choy Li
FYP project title: Intuitive eating behavior and its association with Body Mass Index and weight control behavior among young Chinese adults in UTAR.
Dietetics: Second Runner Up
Ms. Joanne Lim Kai Eng
FYP project title: The association of academic burnout with sleep quality, physical activity level, and social media addiction among UTAR undergraduate students in Kampar, Perak.
Statistical Computing and Operations Research: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Yap Yi Xian
FYP project title: Forecasting data with long multi-seasonal periods in the ARIMA model using discrete Fourier Transform Regressors.
Statistical Computing and Operations Research: First Runner Up
Ms. Tham Shi Yun
FYP project title: Examining performance-related variables of UTAR Kampar undergraduates in adapting 5th Industry Revolution (IR 5.0) Technologies
Statistical Computing and Operations Research: Second Runner Up
Mr. Samuel Tiong Fu Wei
FYP project title: Maximizing efficiency in capacitated electric vehicle routing: innovations in sustainable logistics.
A photo collage showing the research sharing by all FYP Conference champions. Kudos and a big congratulations to all!

Food Product Innovation 2024

Sept 10, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Group photo of students taking the Food Product Innovation course with the course coordinators Dr. Ong Mei Kying and Dr. Lye Huey Shi, as well as panel judges Dr. Ee Kah Yaw, Dr. Chay Shyan Yea and Dr. Tan Ji. In this exciting course, students engage in extensive research, planning, design, formulation, production, testing, and marketing of their own products. Each product must meet specific criteria and address particular market niches.  (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Rose Milk Tea with Choco Cookie Cup
This instagrammable 2-in-1 product aims to replace the use of plastic cup in style, featuring milk infused with various herbs, and a cookie cup laced with chocolate. A good blend of protein and carbohydrate in one cup! (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Rose Milk Tea with Choco Cookie Cup (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Fizzy Brew (feat. watermelon rind chips)
A refreshing product of double-fermentation involving SCOBY, black tea and watermelon, further added with watermelon alginate beads for that extra texture. Even the watermelon rind was not spared, and turned into chips. The resourceful and efficient use of the materials kept costs low. (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Fizzy Brew (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Nüch Nutritional Yeast Cookies
Adorable cookies made of nooch- nutritional yeasts which are deactivated and fortified for safety, better nutrition and flavor. Yeasts are Single Cell Proteins (SCP)- an affordable protein source. The yeast itself has a unique 'cheesy' taste, which were nicely blended with garlic and herbs in this delicious product.  (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Nüch Nutritional Yeast Cookies (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Pumpy Luó Baked Pumpkin Seed Crisps
A snack with a unique and trendy Luosifen flavor that is a source of protein and also high in fiber. The taste profile is sophisticated in a pleasant way, and you have to taste for yourself.  (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Pumpy Luó Baked Pumpkin Seed Crisps
Amazing booth design, teamwork and marketing.  (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Applethorn Pop (feat. applethorn jam)
Although not in its name, this drink involves a double-fermentation process, with ginger used as a source of fermenting microbes (instead of SCOBY). Applethorn is added afterwards. The ginger adds a very pleasant touch to the overall taste of the drink. Surprisingly scrumptious. Zero-waste! The residues of fermentation was made into a similarly-tasting jam (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Applethorn Pop (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Chickluxe Luncheon Meat
Healthier alternatives of luncheon meat. Served in two versions- original and spicy. The nicely formulated blend of chicken, surimi, mushrooms, cranberries/raisins, carrot, seasoning, chilli powder etc. resulted in a tasty dish that is conveniently packaged and easy to cook. Particularly interesting is the low-cost and ease of scalability of the product- important in commercialization.   (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Chickluxe Luncheon Meat
Oozing with professionism. Things are different when you have chefs in the team! (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Well Oat
Can puddings be healthier? Three different flavors (original, match and chocolate) of puddings were developed to improve the acceptability of locals to oat products. Oat was added to enhance the protein and fiber content of the pudding, whilst replacing sugar with other flavorings.   (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Creators of Well Oat (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
(from left to right) Dr. Ee Kah Yaw, Dr. Lye Huey Shi and Dr. Ong Mei Kying making their rounds and discussing the assessment rubric and the wide array of intersting products created by the students this year. (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Students presenting their products to Dr. Chay Shyan Yea. The design and conceptualization of each product have to be supported by contemporary trends and demands. (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
Aside from offering a taste-test, students also explain the concept, rationale, and methods used in creating their masterpiece. (photo credit: Dr. Tan Ji)
We thank our Head of Department Dr. Ali Yassoralipour for always dropping by and checking out the students' work. We hope to see you and everyone else next year!

Sustainable Egg Incubator Development 

for UDAA1223 Introduction to Animal Science

Sept 9, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Group 1 (Pokemon Incubator) posing with their incubator which successfully hatched 8 out of 10 fertilized chicken eggs provided by the course coordinator, Pn Nurdiyana Aqilah Roslan. 
Group 1 presenting their design to Dr. Clement Wong, a judge of the event, including the design rationale as well as potential areas for upgrades. 
Group 2 (Home Jweet Home) showing off their egg incubator
Group 2 presenting their design to Ms. Heng Mei Hsuan, another judge of the event.
Group 3 (The Incubator) posing with their egg incubator
Group 3 explaining the mechanism of action of their incubator to Dr. Clement Wong.
A peak into the interior of the Pokemon Incubator, equipped with light a thermo-hygrometer, light bulb, egg roller etc.
Cute! All the chicks hatched from the assignment were sold to a nearby pet shop. 

Field Trip to Pusat Pengembangan Akuakultur Tapah 

and Tuah Tani Sdn Bhd

for UDAA1233 Principles of Aquaculture

Aug 23, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Group photo taken at Pusat Pengembangan Akuakultur Tapah with Acting Head of Centre, Mr. Ahmad Nadzmi bin Mohamad Shukri and the course coordinators Dr. Ooi Ai Lin (far left; 2nd row) and Ts. Dr. Teoh Chaiw Yee (far right; 2nd row).
Staff of the center explaining and demonstrating how the stripping of eggs from female catfish is carried out. 
Mr. Ahmad Nadzmi welcoming the Agricultural Science students before explaining the missions and goals of the center. 
Students were given hands-on sessions in stripping eggs from catfish. 
Group photo taken Tuah Tani Sdn. Bhd. together with the owner Mr. Peter (left) and Ts. Dr. Teoh Chaiw Yee (right). 
Another group photo taken with the owner Mr. Peter (far left) and Dr. Ooi Ai Lin (far right). A big thank you to Tuah Tani for the wonderful and insightful field trip. 
Mr. Peter explaining the process of egg collections  the mouthbrooder, tilapia.
Group photo taken on the floating cages at Tuah Tani Sdn. Bhd.

UTAR Hospital Laboratory Visit

under UDDD2204 Clinical Biochemistry

Aug 20-21, 2024


Department of Biomedical Science (DBS)

Group photo taken according to practical groups with lab assistant manager of UTAR hospital Ms. Sujatha. The students were introduced to the standard procedure in clinical practices, as well as offered hands-on experience in sample reception, hematology, urinalysis, microbiology and blood bank activities. The four rounds of lab visit were organized by lead lecturer Dr. Chew Choy Hoong. 

National Conference on Integrating Research in 

Agriculture, Food and Communicable Diseases (IRAFCD)

Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

June 10-11, 2024


Centre for Research on Communicable Diseases, Centre for Agriculture and Food Research (CAFR), Centre for Biomedical and Nutrition Research (CBNR), UTAR

Details of the event. Registration HERE

Event website: https://irafcd-sdg-2024.utar.edu.my

17th Malaysia National Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Science Camp (MICSS) cum 

Tianjin University & UTAR High School Science Camp 

May 26, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc), Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT)

Group photo taken with participants after the opening ceremony (Front row; from left: Dr. Lim Tuck Meng, Dr. Chong Hong Yew, Mr. Foo Wing Meng, Prof. Dato' Dr. Ewe Hong Tat, Prof. Li Liqiang)
The contestants from different schools preparing for the Chemistry Oral Quiz Competition
Dean of Faculty of Science, Dr Lim Tuck Meng (right) presenting the certificate and prize to the First Prize Winner of Chemistry Oral Quiz Competition, 17th MICSS.
Dr. Wong Fai Chu demonstrating the colour change of the fruit and vegetable samples, resulting from different antioxidant activities.
UTAR undergraduate students from Biochemistry course (middle) explaining to the students some techniques and safety protocol to conduct DPPH assay.
UTAR undergraduate student from Chemistry course (left) introducing a variety of pH indicators which were made of natural ingredients, such as purple cabbage and butterfly pea flowers.
Academic staff from Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) briefing some concepts and functions of 3D printing machine, study on the programming coding, materials used and design of building block.
 Dr. Wong Lai Peng from FEGT briefing the process of making key chain by using shrink films. Students were allowed to hands-on and eventually be able to observe the effect of heat transfer onto the shrink film.
Lecturers and student helpers from Centre of Foundation, UTAR demonstrating how to use Brix Refractometer in order to determine the sugar content of different beverages.
Dr. Ong Siew Teng (second from the left) providing a guided campus tour to the students. She introducing the facilities and equipment in Faculty of Science, UTAR, Kampar campus.

Final Year Project Conference for FYP January 2024 

Apr 30, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc)

Group photo of FYP Conference winners taken together with Deans, Head of Departments and FYP supervisors. Well done and congratulations!
The event was kickstarted by Dr. Ng Wen Jie (left), the emcee of the event, who congratulated the FYP Conference winners for their amazing achievement. This was followed by a brief introduction to the postgraduate programs offered by FSc by Dr. Goh Wei Lim (middle). Next, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng (Dean of FSc; right) explained the purpose of holding the FYP Conference series and the importance of science graduates being able to convey their findings to the public. 
Agriculture Science: Best Oral Presenter
Mr. Tan Jia Yi
FYP project title: Evaluation of defatted black solider fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal as fish meal alternative on growth performance, feed utilization and fillet sensory qualities of freshwater-reared Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer)
Food Science: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Loo Suet Yee
FYP project title: Effect of sialidase, pancreatin, alcalase treatment time on free sialic acid content of edible bird's nest essence. 
Food Science: First Runner Up
Ms. Soon Zi En
FYP project title: Effect of wood vinegar and vinegar vapours on the postharvest quality and anthracnose management of chili fruits (Capsicum annum L. var Kulai).
Food Science: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Tan Yi Ting
FYP project title: Effect of sialicase, pancreatin and alcalase treatment sequence on free sialic acid content of edible bird's nest essence. 
Biochemistry: Best Oral Presenter
Mr. Kelvin Gooi Zi Jian
FYP project title: Effects of electrical conductivity on the growth of Brassica chinensis' physical properties and biochemical contents in root extracts
Biochemistry: Second Runner Up
Ms. Ewe Hui Yin
 FYP project title:
Evaluation of the antioxidant activities and chlorophyll content in Pistia stratiotes upon heavy metals exposure
Chemistry: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Chung Jia Min
FYP project title: Green synthesis and characterization of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles using barks of Muntingia calabura
Chemistry: Second Runner Up
Mr. Foo Chuan Liang
FYP project title: Synthesis and characterization of acetylated rice starch/poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) polymer blends
Biomedical Science: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Tan Jing Ming
FYP project title: Antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effect of lemongrass essential oil
Biomedical Science: First Runner Up
Ms. Yu Lee Wen
FYP project title: The prevalence of trimethoprim-resistance-conferring dihydrofolate reductase genes in multidrug resistant bacteria from clinical isolates in Malaysia
Biomedical Science: Second Runner Up
Ms. Chang Meng Hui
FYP project title: The acute effect of black coffee on methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene expression, blood pressure and heart rate in habitual and non-habitual coffee drinkers
Dietetics: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Wong Zhi Qi
 FYP project title:
Effect of caffeine-containing electrolyte drink consumption on cognitive performance and mood index of university students
Dietetics: First Runner Up
Ms. Tan Xin Yi
FYP project title: The acute effect of black coffee on cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transporter mediator 2 (CNNM2) gene expression, blood pressure, heart rate, and its relationship with cognitive functionality in habitual and non-habitual coffee consumers
Dietetics: Second Runner Up
Ms. Teow Zi Qing
FYP project title: Association between ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption with body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage among UTAR students
Biotechnology: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Kee Wei Xuan
FYP project title: Screening and identification of potential green polylactic acid (GPLA)-degrading bacteria isolated from biofertilizer samples
Biotechnology: First Runner Up
Mr. Wong Yep Xiang
FYP project title: Bacterial profiling of Aedes aegypti larval microbiota and assessment of its larval growth effects
Biotechnology: Second Runner Up
Mr. Lim Weng Hwa
FYP project title: Studies on the effect of protein hydrolysate on acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease-causing Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the White Leg Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in vivo
Microbiology: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Tan Yu Tong
FYP project title:
Cloning and expression of superfolder Green Fluorescent Protein (sfGFP) and Anti-GFP Nanobody (NbGFP) genes in yeast
Microbiology: First Runner Up
Mr. Chuah Yi Jer
FYP project title: Effect of sugar and xylitol on the aerobic Gram-positive plaque forming oral bacteria from smokers
Microbiology: Second Runner Up
Ms. Hachsha a/p Philips
FYP project title: Association of SNP rs7305115 of Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) gene on suicidal depression among undergraduates
Logistics and International Shipping: Best Oral Presenter
Mr. Cody Tang Eng Hock
FYP project title: Analysing the risk management of 3PL in Selangor towards effective sustainable operations
Logistics and International Shipping: First Runner Up
Ms. Ang Jia Man
FYP project title: Parking satisfaction at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Campus
Logistics and International Shipping: Second Runner Up
Ms. Cindy Goh Xin Ying
FYP project title: Understanding the behaviour of UTAR's community towards e-vehicle using Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
Statistical Computing and Operations Research: Best Oral Presenter
Ms. Ang Zi Ying
FYP project title:
Leveraging 3D skeleton video extraction and deep learning for real-time sign language recognition model
Statistical Computing and Operations Research: First Runner Up
Ms. Lee Xin Jie
FYP project title: A new T control chart with measurement errors in short production runs 
Statistical Computing and Operations Research:  Second Runner Up
Ms. Yap Zhi Hui
FYP project title: Exploring contributing factors and their inter-relationship towards the effective usage of ChatGPR in academic learning among UTAR Kampar undergraduates 
A photo collage showing the research sharing by all FYP Conference champions. Kudos and a big congratulations to all!

KLK-UTAR Talk Series 2024: 

 KLK's Key Sustainability Framework and 

Exemplary Sustainable Practices

Apr 30, 2024


Faculty of Science (FSc), Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK) Berhad

Details of the event. Register here: https://forms.gle/TzB6wNLBRLaAQFVTA

Group photo taken with Mr Daniel Chan Hon Foong and the KLK team. We thank KLK for the insightful talk and we look forward to learning from you again!
Mr Daniel Chan on the many initiatives, strategies and practices carried out by KLK in ensuring the sustainability of the oil palm industry. 
Dr Ali Yassoralipour, Head of Department of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science presenting a certificate of appreciation to Mr Daniel Chan.

Webinar:  Unlock the Power of Biostimulants 

for Enhanced Crop and Plant Growth

Apr 26, 2024


Faculty of Science

Dr Lim Choon Kiat, founder of Perkhidmatan Agro Pintar Sdn Bhd, Sungai Siput Utara, Perak sharing his knowledge and experience in the use of biostimulants. Perkhidmatan Agro Pintar is currently one of UTAR's anchor companies. 
Group photo taken during the event. The 1-hour webinar was successfully held with 60 local and international participants. We Dr Lim Choon Kiat for his valuable sharing, as well as the support from all participants. 
The webinar provided an overview of biostimulants and how they act as biological enhancers to improve plant growth, crop yield and plant stress resistance.
Dr Lim sharing his insights, experience as well as examples of his company's research and collaboration with the academia. 

Field Trip to Everlantern Sdn Bhd

for UDAA3463 Environmental Toxicology

Apr 20, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Photo taken with Mr. Vincent, Mr. Wong and Ms. Sally at Everlantern Sdn Bhd, a company involved in the purchase, segregation, processing and sale of waste paper, plastic, metals and other waste products. 
Mr Vincent explaining to the students the flow of plastic waste recycling at the processing plant.
Students being briefed about the logistics and process behind paper recycling. 

Field Trip to Hami Ecofarms

for UDAA3114 Farm Management and Mechanization

Apr 20, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Group photo taken at Hami Ecofarm with Adeline and Bristi. Thank you for the wonderful hospitality and insightful experience!
Ms Bristi explaning the daily operations of the Hami Ecofarm which specializes on environmentally-friendly ways of growing high quality Japanese muskmelon and Golden Emerald melon. 
Pn Azida presenting a token of appreciation to Ms Bristie while the kind staff offered everyone delicious melon ice cream and juice. 

Agriculture Technology Seminar Series 24:

Harnessing the Power of Nature: 

Embracing Organic Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

Apr 19, 2024


Centre for Agriculture and Food Research (CAFR), Faculty of Science (FSc)

Details of the event. Register here: https://forms.gle/SC73Q9BmtM7oiUa98

Say cheese! Group photo taken during the event. We are honored to have three distinguished speakers share their valuable experiences. (2nd row from left to right: Pn Zarina binti Ramli, YBhg Prof. Dr Patricia King Jie Hung and Prof Komiya Ryoichi).
Dr Pedram Kashiani, chairperson of Agritech 24 welcoming all the participants to our annual event aimed at disseminating knowledge and information of recent advancements in agriculture to students and the public.
Prof Dr Sumathi, Deputyt Director of Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) UTAR officiating the event. 
An insightful talk by Prof Patricia King on "Cultivating Change: Carbon Farming for Environmental Resilience". 
An engaging 1-hr discussion session among the speakers and enthusiastic participants. The discussion was professionally moderated by Dr Tan Yen Nee, chairperson of the Center for Agriculture and Food Research (CAFR).
Prof., Komiya Ryoichi on "How to Create Organic Fans in the Districts where Organic Awarenss is Low".
Pn. Zarina binti Ramli on "Participatory Guarantee System (PGS): A Sustainable Inititative for Organic Farmers and Organic Entusiasts".

During the closing remarks, Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng reiterated organic agriculture as an important paradigm shift towards harmonizing with nature, recognizing its intricate ecosystems, and harnessing its innate capabilities, to promote long-term soil fertility and resilience against climate change. 

Field Trip to Heineken Malaysia Berhad

for UDBB3163 Food Microbiology 

Apr 8, 2024


Department of Biological Science (DBS), Faculty of Science

Group photo of UTAR staff and students taken with Managing Director (Roland Bala), and staff of Heineken Malaysia (Ms. Sharveena, Ms. Laura and Mr. Wong). Some highlights of the trip include a brewery tour, beer tapping experience and lessons about food safety, supply chain and the company's values and culture. We thank Heineken Malaysia Berhad for their hospitality and opportunities provided.

Westlake International School

UTAR Field Trip 2024 

Apr 4, 2024


Department of Laboratory Management and Safety Administration (LMSA)

Group photo featuring teachers and students from Westlake International School along with UTAR staff from the Department of Laboratory Management and Safety Administration (MSA) at Faculty of Science, Block D.

Pn Nur Farahin binti Saidin demonstrating the Powder Granule and Solid Food Packaging Machine to the students
En Muhamad Ridzuan bin Imam Sukaeil (center) demonstrating the Can Seaming Machine to bystanding students
En Muhammad Zulhilmi bin Sahabudin (left) demonstrating how the Vacuum Packaging Machine works
Ms Choo Wait Teng (left) and Puan Nurhanisah binti Ahmad Fauzi (seated) explaining the steps used to detect coliforms in a water sample
Cik Nurul Illiana binti Mazlishah (center) explaining how Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) works
Mr Ooh Keng Fei (right) conducting a demonstration on a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM).
Mr Chong Boon Rui (left) demonstrating the process of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) to the students
Mr Leong Thung Lim (center) explaining the mechanism of action of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Field Trips to Hua Ching Aquaculture Farm and 

IP Arowana Fish Farm Sdn Bhd

for UDAA3493 Aquatic Hatchery Technology

Mac 22, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science (DAFS)

Group photo featuring Mr. Thong Suang Hua, owner of Hua Ching Aquaculture Farm and leading lecturers Dr. Ooi Ai Lin and Dr. Teoh Chaiw Yee

Workers harvesting from floating cages
Students observing fish unloading operations at Hua Ching Aquaculture Farm

Group photo featuring Mr. Lau Kah Hoo (3rd from right), owner of IP Arowana Fish Farm Sdn Bhd

Students observing the harvest from the lake
Mr. Lau explaining the daily hatchery management process of catfish and jade perch

Scientific Talk: Robotics in Horticulture

Mac 21, 2024


Faculty of Science, Mechatronics Engineering School of Engineering, The University of Waikato

Details of the event. Register HERE.

UTAR E-Waste Recycling Program

Feb 26, 2024


Majlis Daerah Kampar (MDKpr), Faculty of Science

Group photo of team members of the UTAR E-Waste Recycling Programme with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Tuck Meng, Dean of Faculty of Science.

Mr. Nurul Illiana giving in insightful talk entitled E-Waste Revolution: Transforming Trash into Treasure
Majlis Daerah Kampar staff explaining the importance of composting to Dr. Lim Tuck Meng
A participant learning more about the E-waste Recycling Program
Sorting out the many E-wastes collected from participants of the event
Participants of the event playing their part in recycling while converting their E-wastes into cash. At the end of the event, a total of items worth RM1253 were collected by the team. Great job!

Scientific Talk by External Examiner of Agricultural Science Program-

Why are We Here? Universities' Role in Training Engaged Global Citizens

Feb 26, 2024


Department of Agricultural and Food Science, Faculty of Science

Details of the event. Free admission.